About John

John Netherton was one of this country's premier nature photographers. His work spans three decades and covers the breadth of the natural world. Along with his twenty books, John's photographs have been published in periodicals such as Audubon, National Wildlife, International Wildlife, Popular Photography, Nature's Best and many more. John also shared his experiences and tips in a regular column in Outdoor Photographer.
John was also known for his work in the environmental community. He served as the president of Friends of Radnor Lake for many years and received several awards for his environmental stewardship. American Photographer Magazine named John a Friend of the Earth, citing his personal philosophy, respect for nature, and commitment to recording it with passion and sensitivity.
About Netherton Nature

Netherton Nature is run by John's three sons, Jason (middle), Joshua (right) and Erich (left) Netherton. We were with our Pop when he took many of his photos. When we were young, we didn't really understand why we were still looking at the same waterfall, or why we had to be up and out 2 hours before sunrise (I admit we still had a hard time with this one when we were older). When we grew up, we began to understand. As we sort through his massive slide collection, we are still in awe of the talent that our Pop possessed.
We hope you enjoy his work as much as we have.
Jason, Josh, and Erich